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Buche de noel Christmas cake (Yule Log)


It's Christmas time~~!! Still, we are having an unusual holiday due to the pandemic - we need to be careful of crowdedness and safety is the priority. So this year, we decided to celebrate Christmas by ourselves (again like last year) and virtually hang out with our friends and family in South Korea and Turkey. 

This year's special Christmas dessert is Buche de Noel. Buche de Noel is often served in many European countries such as Switzerland, France, and Belgium. Also, this cake can be found in South Korea! South Korean are obsessed with Christmas cakes, so when the Christmas season is approaching, people can easily find a variety of cakes from all over the world. 

I love baking but I am not a professional baker. I am more a freestyle amateur - change ingredients based on my style. 😜Sometimes, my friends ask if I could just follow the original ingredients so that they can enjoy enough sweetness. Will try!

Then, let's start! 

(1) Ganache (make this first because it needs some time to get solid)

  • Half cup of Heavy Cream
  • Half cup of Semi sweet Chocolate

  1. Put the heavy cream and chocolate in a bowl and microwave for 40 seconds. 
  2. Mix well with a spoon and store at room temperature.

(2) Cake sheets

  • Four eggs - four egg whites and three egg yolk (so I cooked an omelet using one egg yolk before baking)
  • 3 Table Spoons of Sugar
  • 2.5 Table Spoons of Flour
  • 2.5 Table Spoons of Corn Starch
  • 4 Table Spoons of Cocoa Powder

     1. Divide the sugar three times and mix it with the egg white to make a meringue. 
      2. Add egg yolk to the meringue and mix well. 

     3. Sift the powders through a sieve and mix well.

     4. Lay parchment paper on a square pan and spread the prepared batter evenly.   
       5. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.
       6. Place on a cooling rack and let cool until the temperature drops      


(3) Chocolate Filling Cream

  • 1 Cup of Heavy Cream
  • 3 Table Spoon of Cocoa Powder
  • 3 Table Spoon of Powdered Sugar

1. Sift the powder ingredients into Heavy Cream then whip them up. 

2. Spread filling cream on top of the cake sheet

3. Using parchment paper, roll it up then rest in the refrigerator for over 30 minutes. 


(4) Ganache Decoration

1. First, cut the edge of the rolled cake to make a log shape.

2. Then assemble like the photo below. 

3. Apply ganache cream to make each part stick to the other. Using a folk, create a log pattern. 

4. Decorate with fruits to give it a Christmas feel. 



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