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A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of the Science Writing Heuristic Approach on Academic Achievement in Turkey


Yejun Bae, Ercin Sahin | 2021 Korean Society of Mathematical Education


The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach is described as an immersive argument-based science inquiry focusing particularly on learning through epistemic practices. In the literature, several previous studies indicate how academic achievement is positively influenced by the SWH. In addition to these previous studies, several meta-syntheses of qualitative data have been conducted on this particular topic. With these literatures in mind, a quantitative meta-analysis was conducted with ten studies (N =724) to examine the effectiveness of the SWH on student achievement in Turkey. To present a thoroughly detailed report, this study also examined the following moderators: grade level, subject area, school location, intervention length, and report source. Overall, this study found that in Turkey, the SWH classrooms performed better in academic achievement tests than traditional lecture-based classrooms. Additionally, the SWH is more likely to be effective regardless of grade levels, subject areas, and school locations.

Keywords: the SWH approach, epistemic practices, meta-analysis, academic achievement.
MESC Classification: 97D99
MSC2010 Classification: 62P99


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