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Pajeon '파전' - Korean home cooking


As the school year begins, it is fun to pack lunches every day. The first rule when packing a lunch box is that you should never eat too much - because you sit for at least 6 hours and there are quite a variety of snacks to eat in between. One of the joys of going to school is to collect snacks like a squirrel every day in the office. It's easy to forget.. Students and other professors often come to the office as well. So, don't forget to hang a "Busy" sign outside when eating snacks.😉😉

When I opened the refrigerator, I found a bunch of chives that were automatically picked up every time I went shopping. So tomorrow's lunch menu is decided to be Pajeon!


1. dough

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1 egg

2. Inside

  • 1 scallion
  • 1 cup frozen shrimp
  • 1 green pepper/cheongyang pepper
  • 1 red pepper
  • some mushrooms

(Ingredients can be substituted according to your preference except for scallion)

First, thaw frozen shrimp in cold water.

Prepare the ingredients by trimming and cutting them into appropriate sizes
(I bought serrano pepper, but it was too spicy so I decided to add a little.)

Make the dough by mixing all the dough ingredients. Milk can be replaced with water, but I personally use milk often because it feels softer when milk is added.

The thickness of the dough is about this. Even if you try to float it with chopsticks, it's good that it flows down the dungeon without floating parts. Of course, you can adjust the thickness of the dough according to your taste.

Put a little oil in a frying pan and when it gets hot,
 Scallion- Shrimp - Pepper in order

Pour about half of the prepared dough evenly,

Oh! Forgot to add mushrooms!! I just put it on top of the dough.
Add a little more oil and wait until the bottom is cooked to some extent.

When you want it to be cooked enough that the shape does not shake to some extent, turn it over immediately!

Turning over seemed to be successful, but the shrimp on top traveled all over the stove...

Since I'm going to eat... I quickly put it back into the frying pan.

                                                                       Anyhow, it cooked well!

In order not to repeat the mistake of the first plate, I decided to cut all the ingredients finely with a knife, put it in the dough, mix it, and then bake it. Red pepper is added at the end to bring out the color.

Second plate, well-cooked as well

After cooling, put it in the lunch box..Enjoy your lunch!!


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