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Hard to inflate a baby pool..

I ordered an inflatable baby pool for coming Upward Bound classroom activities. Once I got this huge (it is bigger than that I expected) baby pool, I realized that I need a special equipment to inflate.

1. First trial, air pressure in the gas station.
Me and my friend gathered ideas to inflate the pool. Our first choice was using an air-pressure in the gas station. But it didn't go well because the tube tip of the pump didn't fit well the inlets of the pool. We need a connection part like air pump needles.

2. Second trial, hair dryer.
After the first failure, we searched information on the internet. There are several Youtube clips about how to inflate the baby pool using hair dryers. We carefully watched and make a connector between the pool and a hair dryer.

our hair dryer air pump
It looks so fancy and seems to be working. However, we realized that the baby pool in the video was not the same with ours. Our inlets are too small, so the water bottle tip didn't fit the inlets. 

3. Third trial, adding pen holders to the water bottle cap. 
We need a special connector. We found one of our pens has a good size for the inlets. We cut pens to make it look like a straw. We made a hole on the water cap and connected the pen holder to the water cap. However, it didn't work because we need a sharp tip of the pencil holder so that the tip allows to open the inlets by poking it.  
out unceasing trials

4. Fourth trial, buying air pumps.
We finally concluded that our Macgyver-style-trial doesn't work. We went to the Walmart and bought an air pump for bicycles. The air pump already has a needle that can poke the inlets of the pool. It works greatly although my friend needs to do excessive arm exercises. 😝
This air pump saves us!

Finally,  we made it!


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