There is an old saying in Korea that, people who do what they enjoy will never lose. Learning a language is the same... I love cooking, so most of my newly learned Turkey words are from recipes. Today, my hubby asked me how to say cabbage in Korean. I told him, "BAE-CHU." Then he told me back, "I love BAE-CHU-JEON." He remembered that I am going to cook cabbage pancake tonight. Then he got an idea to speak cabbage pancake in Korean so he could learn the name of his favorite dish in Korean.
This is an amazing learning process that exactly shows the old saying above. Many of my Turkish or American friends told me that they learned Korean by watching K-drama and listening to K-pops. At that time, I cannot really relate to their experience, but when I see my hubby's change, now I can buy that.
So, let's make cabbage pancake. This is a very simple recipe but nutritious and healthy. You can enjoy the soft crunchy texture and light sweetness of napa cabbage as well as the rich savory taste from the batter. When I eat those vegetable pancakes, I do not count how many calories I consumed - because they are healthy. 🙂
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